Aesthetic Treatments

The medical procedures which are done to improve physical appearance are called aesthetic treatments. The procedures can be minimally invasive to non-invasive procedures. Some of these treatments need local anesthesia, while some treatments can be done without anesthesia. Anti-aging treatments are carried out in a healthy and safe environment. Aesthetic treatments take less time so you can be back to your own country in just a few days.


Rhinoplasty is performed to rectify any deformation of the nose or to change the shape of the nose according to your idea. Usually people opt for a sharp nose look which our plastic surgeons can deliver. The plastic surgeon adjusts the size as well as position of the nostrils and the nasal bridge. The length of nose is reduced, width increased according to the facial structure. Breathing problem happens due to the blockage in the nasal passage which is rectified called Septorhinoplasty.

Skin Resurfacing

This is an anti-aging treatment to reduce the visible signs of aging. Sagging skin, wrinkles, blemishes, dark spots and rough skin make you look older than your age. You feel young but the glow of youth is missing. There are different types of skin resurfacing that cosmetic surgeons provide. MedIncredi can help you by arranging treatments at clinics which have a good reputation for successful and safe aesthetic treatments.

Some of the treatments that we facilitate for people are:

Chemical peels, Dermabrasion, Microdermabrasion, Laser Skin Resurfacing, Microneedling, IPL Photorejuvenation etc. These skin treatments are delivered in hygienic clinics by experienced beauty therapists and dermatologists. You can enjoy a relaxing holiday post treatment and return to your home country looking your best.


Botox treatments have become one of the most popular treatments to resolve problems such as wrinkles and Crow’s feet that appear around your eyes. Frown lines and fine lines on the face and forehead, chin creases and other signs of aging on the face are treated with Botox or botuxilin injections.

The Botulinum Toxin type A neurotoxin is injected into the muscles of your face, which blocks nerve impulses to muscles. This relaxes the muscles and reduces the creases and wrinkles on your face. With botox treatments you can keep age at bay for a long time.

Dermal Filler Treatment

Hyaluronic acid (HA), Calcium Hydroxylapatite (CaHA), Poly-L-Lactic Acid etc are injected into the face to smooth out the fine lines and wrinkles. Dermal fillers enhance the facial symmetry giving you the desired look.

This procedure is non-surgical and carried out in the cosmetic surgery specialist clinics that are associated with MedIncredi. The dermatologist assesses your requirement and selects the filler that is best suited for you.

PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) Facial

This therapy has emerged as one of the best non-invasive anti-aging procedures. You can get your fine lines, scars, sun spots and wrinkles with PRP. The dermatologist will take some blood from your arm, separate platelets and then inject the platelets into the skin with the microneedling technique. Platelets have a high-growth factor which facilitates the regeneration of skin. You may need four injections every year for the best results.

Hair Transplant FUE

Thinning hair and balding at an early age due to illness or genetics is quite frustrating. Some men go through male pattern baldness causing loss of hair. Dermatologists in top clinics worldwide replant hair follicles from back of the head to the bald/balding area.

In the Follicular Unit Extraction or FUE method, follicles are removed strand by strand. This process is minimally invasive and gives natural looking results. Hair grows back in the balding area which definitely looks much better than any wig. There are many different hair transplant methods, but FUE is preferred the most.